Microchip has released the PIC10F(LF)32X and PIC1XF(LF)150X MCUs, each feature new peripherals. Examples as Configurable Logic Cells (CLCs), Complementary Waveform Generators (CWGs) and Numerically Controlled Oscillators (NCOs). This makes it possible to implement functionality that was not possible before with a low pincount microcontroller.
The configurable logic cels, CLCs, available on the PIC10F(LF)32X and PIC1XF(LF)150X MCUs enable software control of combinational and sequential logic. Basically, what you get is a block of programmable logic. This block can be used to interconnection peripherals and I/O on-chip. This can save up quite a few external components as well as memory for software.
The soft half of the offering is a free (as in free beer) CLC Configuration Tool. It aids the setup process of the CLC module by simulating the functionality of the registers and combinational logic in a graphical user interface. This tool can be downloaded from Microchip.